1Y0-300 Exam-Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solution

This exam preparation guide is designed to provide candidates with necessary information about the 1Y0 -301 exam, including study resources and ways to interpret the exam objectives to better enable candidates to assess the types of questions that may be asked during the exam. Please be aware that the content of this guide in no way ensures a passing score on the certification exam. 
Number of Items
 The 1Y0-301 exam is an 72-question exam written in English. There are 65 multiple choice items and 7 simulation items in the exam. Some of the items on this exam will not be scored and thus will not affect your final result in any way. The unscored items are included in this exam solely for research purposes.
Intended Audience
 The 1Y0-301 exam is focused on those topics that are most important to those who build, test and roll out Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 solutions. Those who build, test and roll out such solutions may hold various job titles such as: 
• Desktop Virtualization Engineers
• Desktop Virtualization Consultants 
• Citrix Engineers 
• System Administrators 

Set Goals Setting goals helps you decide what is important, gives you a plan for success, and keeps you focused. Setting goals takes five steps: decide what you want to accomplish, set smaller goals to motivate yourself, decide what will take to get you there, evaluate your progress and when you’ve accomplished your goal, set a new goal.
Set Big Goals First. Tell them to think of how they want to finish the semester or year. What grades do you want? What do they want to learn? What do they want to achieve? Creative, precise and realistic goals, and them down. Their goals should be manageable- not too difficult, but not too easy. If they want to improve their math grade, thing about what you want to accomplish in the class, decide if is realistic and go for.
Break Down the Big Goal into Mini-Goals. After they make goals have them think about mini-goals that can help them accomplish their big goals. For instance, if they want an A in math, think of baby steps that will get them to their goals, like doing better on test, and homework assignments. Give deadlines for mini-goals and have them check their progress often.
Plan How You Will Tackle the Mini-Goals. takes training and practice to meet your goals. Plan strategies- organizing time or study materials, visa academic services a couple times a week, study instead of cramming for tests, form study groups or set aside specific times uninterrupted to study or do homework. Plan and do. Also recommended you this help you prepare for the certification.
