Nortel VPN Client Overview

The Nortel VPN Client creates the secure connection for VPN users into a personal network.Once you log in through iPass and receive the iPass screen, you’re now authenticating through the Nortel VPN, and not iPass. If this is often your first time connecting, or your pin has been reset, you’ll enter only your username, and token ID.
The PIN field should be blank. If you’ve got connected before, you’ll enter the username, PIN, and token ID.
Once you’re able to connect you’ll click the Connect button. you’ll be asked if you would like to save lots of the connection if this is often your first time connecting. (Note you ought to choose YES)
If it’s not your first time, or the PIN has not been reset, you’ll simply be connected at now .
Enter a 4–8 digit pin within the response field. Once the pin is accepted you’ll enter the PIN + Token ID on subsequent connections.
Nortel VPN Unable to Resolve IP Host Address
Are you reception or hotel? Click on Start Run Type CMD within the field and hit enter (or ok) At the DOS Prompt type: ipconfig /release and hit enter Now type: ipconfig /renew and hit enter — confirm if the IP Address changed
If Yes
Logon to iPASS another time . Does this resolve the problem?
If No
If you’re reception
Is there another computer reception (Personal PC) that’s connected to the router? Shut the router/modem off and switch the laptop off (in an attempt to release the IP Address) turn the router/ modem back on. Turn the laptop back on and logon to iPASS another time . Does this resolve the problem? No. a. Unplug the router and plug it into a separate outlet. b. attempt to logon again to iPASS.
If you’re at a Hotel
Is there a consent form to be completed for access? Yes Double-click on the online Explorer this may mention the web page for the Hotel (home page) Complete/submit the consent page
Launch iPASS.
If you’re still unable to access iPASS open an internet browser page (click on the web browser icon blue E) Click on Tools Internet Options Connection tab Settings button and take away the check from the proxy server box to use a proxy server. this may disable the proxy settings. Click OK until you exit the web options panel . attempt to logon to iPASS another time .
VPN Error Message Your Token Code is not any Longer Valid
Contivity VPN Client: Your Token Code is not any longer valid. Please enter new Token Code information. you’ll get this message if the token code changed just before you pressed Enter or Connect. At the very left fringe of the shopwindow of your token, you see a column of several small horizontal bars. The longer the token code is displayed, the less bars you see. Right after the code changes, you see six bars. once you see just one bar, wait a couple of seconds for the code to vary before entering it into the prompt on your screen.
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