You can pass your exam and get your Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate (JNCIA-WX) certification

Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate (JNCIA) The Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate, M-series, T-series Routers (JNCIA-M) certification does not have any prerequisites. It is administered at Prometric testing centers worldwide.
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Specialist (JNCIS) The Juniper Networks Certified Internet Specialist, M-series, T-series Routers (JNCIS-M) certification also does not have any prerequisites. Like the JNCIA-M, it is administered at Prometric testing centers worldwide.
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional (JNCIP) The Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional, M-series, T-series Routers (JNCIP-M) certification requires that candidates first obtain the JNCIS-M certification. The hands-on exam is administered at Juniper Networks offices in select locations throughout the world.
Juniper Networks Certified Internet Expert (JNCIE) The Juniper Networks Certified Internet Expert, M-series, T-series Routers (JNCIE-M) certification requires that candidates first.
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